bote de remos – oar boat
nos hace falta – we need
la ducha – the bath
muelle - dock
un refugio – a refuge
yates - yachts
negarse - refuse
sextante – sextant (para encontrar la latitud para no acabar en los medanos (areas between ocean currents where there’s no wind
brújula - compass
reacia - reluctant
“hilo dorado en la linea de flotacion” – a golden line painted at the water line.
disponible - available
condiscípulos – classmates
cuarto de servicio – servants’ quarters
bombilla – light bulb
cuarto palmos – two fathoms
cortaron la corriente  - turned of the lights
una ligereza – flippancy, thoughtlessness
seminario - seminar
apretar - push
el grifo – the faucet
aletas - fins
escopetas de aire comprimido – underwater compressed air guns
equipos de buceo – diving equipment
intransigencia – unyielding, stubborn
un clavo - a nail
su deber – their duty
un capricho – whim
capaces – capable
reconocimiento - recognition
empaque  - packaging
bucearon - they dove
tiburones - sharks
mansos - tame
rescataron - rescued
del fondo – from the bottom
premiación - reward
aclamados - acclaimed
agasajar - celebrate
madurez - maturity
una cascada – a waterfall
se derramaba – spilled over
raudales - torrents
la fachada – the facade, front of building
se encauzó – channeled, flowed
el Guadarrama – street in Madrid
los bomberos - firemen
rebosada - overflowing
forrados – covered
piano de cola – grand piano
mantón de Manila – a shawl from Manila
aleteaba – undulated, waved
mantarraya – mantarey
la plenitud – the fullness
garete – around, without direction
ciénaga - swamp
preservativos – condoms
pomos de cremas – the lids to jars of cream
la dentadura de repuesto – extra set of teeth
de costado – on its side
aferrado - grippping
el faro del puerto – the guiding light of the port
hasta donde le alcanzó – as far as it got him
proa – the prow
estrella polar – the north star
eternizados – frozen in time
maceta de geranios – the flower pot of geraniums
versos de burla – lines makes fun
rector – director, headmaster
rebosado – overflowed
se había ahogado – had drowned
veranos ardientes – hot summers
vientos helados – freezing winds
aborígenes - native