Spanish 3-4!

Expectations [.pdf Adobe Acrobat file]


I've stopped adding material to SpanLog for lack of time. Next year I will try to do a weekly blog for each of the courses I teach instead of trying to keep the blog current on a daily basis. I will also be moving SpanBlog over to TypePad, which although not free like Blogger, allows me to customize my blog and has many more nice features.

Preliminary unit


Alphabet, numbers and greeting dialogs sheet
Sound fileAlphabet sound file [.mp3]


Sound fileNumbers 0-10 [.mp3]
Sound fileNumbers 11-30 [.mp3]
Sound fileNumbers 0-100 by 10s [.mp3]
Sound fileNumbers 100-1000 by 100s [.mp3]


Sound fileGreeting someone you know and greeting them [.mp3]
Sound fileGreeting someone about your age, asking their name and saying it was nice to meet them [.mp3]
Sound fileGreeting someone about you age and asking their age [.mp3]
Sound fileHotel Miramar dialog sound file [.mp3]

Telling the date

Calendar vocabulary sheet: days, months, seasons
Sound fileDays of the week - Los días de la semana [.mp3]
Sound fileMonths - Los meses [.mp3]
Sound fileSeasons - Las estaciones [.mp3]
Sound fileDates worksheet

Project 1: ¿Cómo soy yo?

Unit 1, Etapa 1

Conjugation of regular past (preterite) tense verbs and -er, -ir verbs to learn
Project 2: Post card from a Spanish-speaking country (template for your post card can be downloaded by clicking here. Save file with as a plain test file and add the .dot at the end of the file name. Word will open it as a stationary file.)

Unit 1, Etapa 2

Stem-changing verbs in the present tense
Stem-changing verbs in the past tense

Unit 1 Etapa 3

Hodgepodge of items dealing with vocabulary too talk about media, nations and nationalities, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns and stem-changing verbs in the preterite.


Unit 2, Etapa 1

Vocab: Toys and games children play, pgs. 102-103
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Reflexive pronouns and verbs
The imperfect

Unit 2, Etapa 2

Progressive tenses: present and past
Talk about the past using the preterit and the imperfect
¿Cómo era yo project?

Unit 2, Etapa 3

Direct and indirect object pronouns
Double object pronouns

Unit 3, Etapa 1

Pronoun placement
Affirmative Ud./Uds. commands

Unit 3, Etapa 2

Affirmative "tú" commands
Negative "tú" commands

Making adverbs in Spanish (-ly=-mente)

Unit 3, Etapa 3

The body
The subjunctive*

Unit 4, Etapa 1*

The subjunctive
Irregular subjunctive verbs

Unit 4, Etapa 2*

Stem-changing -ar/-er subjunctive verbs
Stem-changing -irr subjunctive verbs
The subjunctive and the infinitive

Unit 4, Etapa 3

Comparisons and superlatives
More on the subjunctive*

*The subjunctive will only be introduced and practiced to give students some familiarity with the conjugation of this tense and it's uses. Spanish 5-6 covers the subjunctive extensively.

Sound file Teacher instructions to students
Sound file Asking permission


© 2002-2010 SantamariaProductions
Antonio Santamaría
Maestro de español en Wilson High School, Long Beach, CA
4400 E. 10th Street, Long Beach, California, 90804 - 562 433-0481 Ext. 6857

LBUSD, Wilson Classical High School disclaimer

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